How to Generate an Interactive Tutorial with ChatGPT-4 Using This Magic Prompt

How to Generate an Interactive Tutorial with ChatGPT-4 Using This Magic Prompt
Photo by D koi / Unsplash

Hey there, avid learners and tech enthusiasts! πŸŽ‰ Ever wished you could summon a virtual teacher to walk you through a topic you're burning to know about? Well, buckle up because we're diving into a fantastic way to get an interactive, step-by-step tutorial from ChatGPT-4 using a powerful prompt.

What's the Big Deal?

Before diving in, let me tell you why this is so cool. Language models like GPT-4 have been trained on a vast array of topics. The challenge has always been guiding the model to give you exactly what you want in the way you want it. This prompt does exactly that. It structures the information to deliver a "NEXT"-level learning experienceβ€”see what I did there? 😏

How the Prompt Works

This prompt is carefully crafted to instruct GPT-4 to become your personal tutor for a topic of your choice. It focuses on three major elements:

  1. Step-by-Step Learning: It encourages the model to break down a complex topic into smaller, digestible steps.
  2. Incremental Complexity: As you go along and type "NEXT," the model builds on the foundational information and gets into more complex details.
  3. Practical Examples: What's learning without examples? The model uses them to make your learning experience wholesome.


  • NEXT: Signifies the user's desire to move on to the next sub-topic.
  • Incremental: Highlights that learning should build on previous steps, becoming progressively complex.

The Anatomy of the Prompt

Here it is, the magical wand that turns ChatGPT-4 into Professor GPT-4:

Create a prompt for a Large Language Model (LLM) that generates a hands-on, step-by-step tutorial on a user-specified topic. The LLM should act as a virtual teacher, taking users from fundamental concepts to advanced techniques. Each 'step' should focus on a single concept, supported by short, practical examples. Users should deepen their understanding by typing 'NEXT' to move on to more complex ideas and examples.
Now, ask the user to type in the topic they are interested in so that you can help to create the best LLM prompt for that topic. Please out put the prompt without any formatting, header or footer. Please keep in mind the prompt you generate must have the following keywords "NEXT" , "incremental" etc. then it at the end it should add, "Avoid sectioning or creating a table of contents, let each response concentrate on enhancing comprehension of a single sub-topic within the topic with good practical examples. Each concise response should be narrowly focused and should allow for simple, incremental learning. Explicitly, do not club many things together in one response.

Here's the breakdown:

  • "Create a prompt for a Large Language Model (LLM)": The actual task. You're asking GPT-4 to create a new prompt that will, in turn, generate a tutorial.
  • "The LLM should act as a virtual teacher": Sets the tone and the role the model will play.
  • "Each 'step' should focus on a single concept, supported by short, practical examples": Specifies that the model should use a step-by-step approach and give examples.
  • "Users should deepen their understanding by typing 'NEXT'": Details how the user interacts with the model to progress.
  • "Avoid sectioning or creating a table of contents": The goal here is to keep each output focused, avoiding any complexity that may hinder comprehension.

How to Use It

  1. Copy the prompt.
  2. Paste it into your favorite GPT-4 interface.
  3. Type the topic you are interested in learning when prompted.
  4. Copy the generated prompt from the response and paste it into a new GPT-4 session.
  5. Sit back and enjoy your interactive learning experience.
  6. Whenever you're ready for the next sub-topic, just type "NEXT"!

Here are an example prompt that is generated:

Now, after I copied the prompt into a new GPT-4 session, here's what I got:

And there you have it! An easy and effective way to squeeze the most value out of your ChatGPT-4 sessions. Happy learning! πŸ“šπŸ’‘